What is True Love, and How Can I Find it?

What is True Love, and How Can I Find it?

Have you ever watched a TV show like the Bachelor or Bachelorette and heard people say they are in search of true love?

Many songs are based around the search for true love, and fairy tales are full of the notion of happily ever after, with two characters supposedly finding true love after a series of separations and reunifications, and entering a time of bliss together.

We all talk about true love, and we all want it, for it is a natural state we all aspire to, but do we really understand what it is and how do we find it?

And why do so many relationships start out feeling like true love is present to those involved but eventually dissolve in unfortunate ways?

Love is one of the most used words in our vocabulary. We use it to show our desire for many of the things in life we wish to have like lovers, family, good food, holidays and so on. The list is endless.

Love can be felt or thought. However, the love we feel is the only true kind of love. Love cannot be truly thought as it can only be sourced from our hearts.

But we try to think love often. In my first book Where Your Happiness Hides, I call this checklist love.

As humans we can get confused between love and attraction. You can have attraction, with or without love being present. However, love is only ever found in presence, and it truly can have no reason for being in our lives. It just is! Our minds can’t create it or destroy it. They can override it, or at least they think they can.

Between two people there are many reasons we may feel attraction

These include:

  • Empathy – I want to help you,
  • Sexual – I am attracted to your physicality,
  • Desperation/Safety – you can save me from my loneliness,
  • Obligation – I need you to help me satisfy another, or help me meet society’s expectations ,
  • Gratitude– I want to thank you for helping me,
  • Friendship – you like me, a lot and I like you a lot,
  • Admiration – I admire who you are,
  • Curiosity – what if we could be in love,
  • Alignment– we think the same way and enjoy the same things, and,
  • Love.

Some say we love people who are of the same or similar level of self-esteem as us. But more often than not this is driven by mind-based attraction. For example, good looking people tend to attract other good-looking people and the sexual alignment they feel can be mistaken for love.

It’s easy to get attraction and love confused, but our hearts or souls know the difference and will tell us if we listen and feel for the truth. I have faced this confusion many times myself. Pretending to be in love when you are not can be extremely stressful.

Attraction is temporary. Love is ever present when its real.

Love is a vibrational match. We all vibrate at different frequencies and the one who is aligned with your vibration feels your vibration. As a result, you are brought into a magnetic connection by your two souls for the purpose of expressing love together and growing.

Love is bestowed upon us. We can’t choose it.

So, there is love and true love. True love is rare for as its name implies it requires truth. It’s love on steroids you might say.

As we evolve to higher states of consciousness, we grow in our ability to know the truth of ourselves, and we align more fully with the purity in our own hearts. In this great place we find our own truth. Our self-awareness is high, and our egos are far healthier.

True love is found when two people of a high vibration or awareness come together out of magnetism and both know their own truth. Their self-awareness supports truth in all they share. There is no pretence to block the flow of love between two hearts. No competition. No blame. No fear. No need. This is rare.

When we are in a place of low self-awareness, we are likely to live from our ego-centric minds. This is normal. But here love is often based on need, not just want. And need is associated with fear.

True love aligns with the core principles of unconditional love such as:

  • Trust,
  • Independence,
  • A commitment to the other’s welfare,
  • Equality,
  • Freedom,
  • Full acceptance,
  • Honest and open communications, and
  • Quality conflict resolution without judgement.

As George Michael says in his song As,

“True love asks for nothing; Her acceptance is the way we pay.”

So, the answer to the age-old question – can I find true love is – NO.

It will find you when you are ready.

To search is to be in a place of fear or need. This is contrary to the very principle of true love.

The fastest route to true love is for you to focus on you. Advance your self-awareness, and in turn your access to YOUR truth and you will invite into your life a purer love – not one based on need, but one based on unconditional desire.

Relationships are all experiences arranged for us by the universe for purpose. This sounds harsh but it’s true. They help us learn and grow, but the higher your awareness and sense of self the more chance you have of being gifted with that rare version of love that is true and real.

Love is wonderful no matter what type we encounter, and all our loving experiences are stepping-stones to true love when we use them to expand and grow so that we know ourselves intimately.

Put simply we get what we put out. Know and love your truth and you will attract it back into your heart in the form of true love from another. But you must BE what you desire first.

And what we are is found in our beliefs. They are the signposts to our truth and show us what we are not.

What do you believe about true love?
Do you search for love, but it constantly alludes you?

If you want to discuss how you can find true love why not connect with me on my email at mark@mark.worthington.com and/or arrange a free discussion.

You can read more about unconditional love in my first book – Where Your Happiness Hides (published in 2022). You can order this book on this website.