My Gift to Assist Your Awareness Journey

My Gift To Assist Your Awareness Journey

You are far more than you were ever taught you could be!

My books and teachings can show you the natural path to pure consciousness and how to become this MORE. From here you can create a beautiful life you really love. 

I learned this path from pure consciousness itself and I have walked the path so that I could authentically teach it. 

If you want to become your TRUE and MULTIDIMENSIONAL SELF then I can show you the natural way there. It takes commitment, but it’s also great fun. 

Make no mistake. You are multidimensional. And this aspect of YOU is fearless, joyous and wise beyond your wildest dreams.  You also have special metaphysical abilities should you want to discover them. Everyone has them. Yes, even you!

I have designed a schematic below to show you the path I took to higher consciousness awareness in high level terms. I’ve also set out below is a more detailed breakdown of this path I have walked to higher conscious awareness.

It is my gift to you for taking the time to visit my website, and can be downloaded and printed should you wish to do so – with my blessings. 

Should you wish to know more I would love to help you through my books and/or through a free no obligation-discussion.

I’d love to help you find the life you love, just like I have. 

The Infinite Possibilities schematic is explained in more detail below:


Enhanced Awareness of Your Human Being


  • Seeking to make sense of your life in the face of pain
  • Learning to express pain, not suppress it
  • Why have I seemingly failed? No longer wanting to suffer
  • Taking responsibility for your life and choices
  • Your ego seeks to resist change
  • You are in your lower-state of security consciousness
  • You sense that you must commit to this path to be transformed
  • You still entertain the blame game
  • You live from need – often
  • You have many unconscious fears
  • Separation consciousness is your normal state
  • Fearing failure

Key Characteristics

  • Thinking (mind based living)
  • Expressing of emotions
  • Ego thinks it is your source of consciousness
  • Fear dominates love in your life
  • You may feel lost
  • Self-love may be low – this is common


  • Drawing the link between your beliefs and the life you lead
  • Unearthing your unconscious beliefs through experiences
  • Seeing your illusions, fears and attachments
  • Learning to access your heart for your truths
  • Starting to connect to your soul
  • Embracing forgiveness and acceptance
  • Beginning to let go of your pain, as you value its wisdom
  • Meditation is embraced
  • Your personality begins to alter as your beliefs shift
  • You are happier and starting to discover the truth of you
  • You start to see the world differently
  • Thoughts of fear are diminishing
  • You believe and you think you are loveable

Key Characteristics

  • Going from thought to beliefs (evolving mind sets)
  • Expression of pain continuers but has more meaning
  • The soul begins to become your source of wisdom
  • Love starts to overcome fear
  • You are starting to find your deeper truths
  • Self- love is emerging but is mainly thought
Enhanced Awareness of Your Light Being and Multidimensionality


  • Transcendence begins
  • Metaphysical connections may become more known to you
  • Alchemy in your form takes place
  • Past life and other dimensional experiences may be encountered
  • Letting go of the past and trusting in the future is becoming possible
  • Becoming more aware of your duality
  • Pain management gives way to pain consciousness
  • Kundalini activation
  • Awareness may be supported by spiritual modalities
  • Integration of heart, mind and body is underway
  • The ego starts to dissolve
  • You have periods of far greater joy
  • You start to care-less about things you once feared
  • Validations are dissolving

Key Characteristics

  • Energetic shifting takes over as alchemy commences
  • Physicality and feelings dominate thoughts
  • Mind, body and spirit begin to remove your veil in tandem
  • You are now living predominantly from the feeling of love
  • Truth is your predominant state of being
  • You start to feel self-love


  • The ego is crushed by the soul- the Dark Night of the Soul may arise
  • Your light codes are activated
  • Your deeper purpose can be felt
  • One-ness is known and may be witnessed
  • You create from your soul not your mind (ie manifestation from purity)
  • You seek fulfilment not recognition
  • Your special metaphysical abilities may arise from within you
  • Your light being and human become fully aware of each other
  • You live from true love and true love with others is possible
  • You may enter the light and become aware of your full multi- dimensionality (ie ASCENSION)
  • You become an antenna for the light and the truth of God
  • Your needs dissolve. Now you live from want
  • You are self-healing and also remove your own karma
  • Fear has dissolved – you feel free
  • Separation consciousness is replaced by unity consciousness
  • Wants replace needs

Key Characteristics

  • Your soul is now in charge of your whole self. Your mindfulness has advanced to truth
  • You live from the purity of love that you always were – YOU FEEL IT COMPLETELY
  • You are the master of your own destiny and have universal consciousness
  • Purity of heart is yours – you feel your way through life
  • You are home and living as your true self
  • You are present in love and love life

These steps are shown in more detail and complexity in From Pain to Possibility at page 145 as the Arc of Human Transformation. They are simplified here into 4 steps to assist readers. 

Don’t hesitate to contact me at if you would like to share your views on this post with me. You never know it could be a beautiful exchange of ideas.