Honestly – What is Integrity?

Honestly – What is Integrity?

Go into any modern business and ask to see their values and they will most likely be hanging on a wall. And almost invariably one of the key values will be integrity?

But what does it really mean and why are we all drawn to it as a core value?

Integrity is defined by the Oxford dictionary as “the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.”

I believe the word honest is key here and would, no doubt, be a common response if I asked readers what being in integrity means.

But I believe integrity goes far deeper as a concept for us to explore, and its one all leaders can contemplate. Integrity is a trait, we all look for in leaders, and for good reason.

When you look at the word integrity there is a direct correlation with the word integrated.

The Oxford dictionary defines integrated as occurring when “various parts or aspects of something are linked or coordinated.”

Integrity is related to honesty, but also to wholeness.

As human beings we have two core operating systems that we can make decisions from. They are our hearts and our minds. And the link between these two systems is through our bodies.

Research has shown that intelligence isn’t just found in our minds but also emanates from our intuition. And our intuition, or the teacher within us, is directly connected to our souls.

The wisdom and problem-solving power of our hearts is immense. Often it arises and is felt in our bodies. Some call it gut feel. It’s usually pretty instant.

As a race we have become accustomed to trust our minds more than our gut feel. We think then act. We are taught to value IQ in our lives.

We miss the step of feeling into our more powerful operating systems first. Naturally we should access our intuition, check it with the logic of our minds and then act.

To be in integrity is possible when we align our actions with our hearts and minds. Honesty is found in our minds. If we say what we think we are being honest. This is why most people will claim to be honest. However, that’s not necessarily our or the truth. Conditioning can alter the way we think and often does.

Truth is found within our hearts. When that truth aligns with what we honestly think and feel in our bodies we are integrated.

The spiritual teachers talk of a person being whole when their minds, bodies and hearts are in alignment. Integrity resides in this wholeness for here our different forms of intelligence are linked and in synch. Doubt dissolves.

A leader who knows him or herself has no doubts about their truth. They feel it. They think it. Their truth comes from self-awareness for they can access their intuition as the starting point of all their thoughts, actions and behaviours.

So next time you see the word integrity feel into the meaning of that word. We can convince ourselves that we are being honest about a matter. We just have to let our minds convince us that we are being truthful.

However, integrity once it’s truly lived comes from both knowing and understanding. Understanding is something we think. But once understanding is combined with feeling through experiences and self-awareness it becomes known.

Great leaders like Nelson Mandela know what they stand for. There is no question in their hearts or minds.

We need more leaders with true integrity to guide us forward. And its available to all. Its not learned at school or university. It arises within us when we allow ourselves to go inward and access our hearts, then think and act from there.

Would you like to know more about this subject or the key attributes of an advanced leader?
Do you search for love, but it constantly alludes you?

If so, why not contact me by email on mark@mark-worthington.com or arrange for a free consultation with me.

You might also like to read my book on the topic of leadership called Show Me The Harmony. You can purchase it on this website.