I can help YOU lead a happier and more successful life!

The world we live in is complex, and is constantly changing.

In fact, it’s never been so fast-moving and competitive. Accordingly, we may need to change fundamentally at times to stay ahead of the curve. This can help us create the fulfilment we truly desire, and be more successful.

When the need for change is compelling or confusing, we may need to significantly reassess the way we operate in our personal lives or business activities. In this place, change gives way to TRANSFORMATION, because fundamental shifts are what we need.

When change is just incremental or lacking in true substance and innovation, it can fail to deliver what you really need or want. This change can very often fall short of what must take place for us to be the best we can be. This can be a waste of time, energy, and money and lead us even deeper into mediocrity.

It can take great courage and commitment to change fundamentally. And sometimes we may not even know where and how to start, let alone what we ultimately need to accomplish.

Whether it’s confronting personal problems, reframing your career, reshaping your business, or enhancing your relationships with others, or even yourself, this is where I can assist in a way other advisers simply cannot.

Why Should You Talk to Me ?

Put simply, it’s because I have done it all before for myself, and others, including big businesses I have worked for. This has allowed me to develop unique abilities that allow me to understand and lead ground-breaking transformational activities.

I can help you do the same, because my experience with successful transformation is extremely practical and it works.

No matter where you need transformation to take place, I can assist YOU with the advanced and natural processes, I have developed.

Don’t just make incremental changes and risk staying in that same mediocre or stressful place; Transform the Way You Change.

You owe it to yourself to step into this amazing opportunity!

Or call Mark on 0417 722 332

Through my consulting business, I offer you the following services:

Life Coaching

If you have experienced personal disruptions or disappointments in your life that you regret, I can help you find new beginnings and happiness.

Understanding that you need to change and actually making it happen can be a great challenge. And in these circumstances, it can help to have someone in your corner who has been there done that.

Or call Mark on 0417 722 332

Leadership Consulting

We all lead in some way, even if it’s our own lives. And most of us are led by others, too.

I spent over 35 years in large organisations and developed a highly evolved leadership style that enabled me to transform a series of troubled teams of people in record time without sacking anyone. These teams achieved great success and happiness. It’s a rare story, I’m told.

Now I want to share my leadership philosophies and practices with up-and-coming leaders who sense that modern leadership can be so much more, for them and others.

Or call Mark on 0417 722 332

Business Consulting

With over 35 years of business experience and specialised skills in many operational and strategic areas I can assist you if you have a business issue you need assistance with.

I have reported to, and sat on many Boards and senior leadership teams in my career, and I am highly experienced in dealing with regulators. I understand process improvement, systems enhancements and cultural development. I’ve consulted to business, audited them, and then worked inside them on the other side of the desk. So, I know how businesses tick from all angles.

Or call Mark on 0417 722 332

Consciousness (Spiritual) Coaching

There is an increasing awareness and openness to exploring consciousness across the population, and how it can help all of us to lead more fulfilling lives.

There are many books on this subject, but I have a deep and unique understanding of this subject, derived from over a decade of personal interactions with the metaphysical realm, great spiritual teachers and many wonderful experiences.

I have applied its great lessons to my life, and I am available to assist those who wish to gain a greater understanding and knowing of its principles and mysteries to their experiences.

For those who are ready to explore this fascinating topic to benefit themselves and their leadership journeys or organisations, I am ready and eager to assist and to integrate this wisdom into my coaching and consulting services.

Or call Mark on 0417 722 332

My Books

I have published three ground-breaking books, about natural transformation processes, to assist my readers. They are:

  • Where Your Happiness Hides (published in June 2022)
  • Show Me The Harmony (published in August 2023)
  • From Pain to Possibility (published June 2024)

Or call Mark on 0417 722 332

Customers Reviews


Or call Mark on 0417 722 332

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Frequently Asked Questions

I have developed a deep understanding of the power of beliefs to shape the lives of individuals and the quality of the interactions of collectives of people.

We are what we think, but behind what we think and feel are our beliefs, and sometimes these can be subconscious. I am an expert in helping you discover and upgrade your limiting beliefs so that your beliefs support your success rather than diminish your success.

I have applied this transformative understanding of beliefs to my own life and my career. I can help you do the same.

Each assignment is tailored to suit your needs so that you get the outcomes that you desire for you or your people.

My coaching style is to make myself available to discuss live issues whenever you need my help. This way we can jointly deal with challenges as they arise for you if you prefer this support.

Each assignment is individually agreed with you upfront so that you are comfortable with our arrangements.

I undertake to be fair and truthful in my billing process so that you never have cause to be confronted by unfair overruns.

This is how I have operated all my life – with integrity.

You will not be disappointed!

Yes this is something I am happy to arrange.

I stand for full transparency at all times.

Yes I have few barriers to travelling should that be necessary. I am single and all my kids are now in their 20s and independent.

I might need someone to walk my two dogs when I’m away!

Or call Mark on 0417 722 332